Welcome to the State of Dade Camp 707 Sons of Confederate Veterans
Where Traditional American Values are respected and defended. You have come to the right place for the truth about Southern heritage.
Latest Updates

Dade County Toy Run, November 4th 2023
It was an outstanding day to gather and ride these hills for a good cause. They will be gathering toys

Proper Social Media Protocol and Etiquette
With ever-changing advances in communication technology, it becomes necessary to adhere to certain protocols and etiquette to ensure Our Members,

What’s New: October 2012
New Salem Arts FestivalThe State of Dade Camp # 707, Sons of Confederate Veterans invites you to join with us

2019 Bridgeport Reenactment
The State of Dade Camp 707 and our own 39th Georgia will participate and be present at the Bridgeport Reenactment

Barry’s Battery, The Lookout Artillery
State of Dade 707 will meet at the Chattanooga Library this Saturday for this presentation by David Scott: Barry’s Battery,

News & Events: July 2008
Next Meeting – July 15th @ 6 pmOur next camp meeting will be at Randy’s Restaurant in Trenton. Come early
Historical Articles

Georgia Confederate History – August 27th
General Robert E. Lee’s Confederates met General John Pope’s federal forces at the Second Battle of Manassas on August 29, 1862. Union

Georgia Confederate History – August 26th
On August 26, 1864, having withdrawn from trenches and fortifications outside Atlanta the previous day, U.S. General Sherman sent most of

Captain Henry Wirz, Confederate Hero and Martyr ~ Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.
Captain Henry Wirz was born, Hartman Heinrich Wirz in November 1823, in Zurich, Switzerland where his father, Abraham Wirz was

Georgia Confederate History – August 26th
On August 26, 1864, having withdrawn from trenches and fortifications outside Atlanta the previous day, U.S. General Sherman sent most of

Proper Social Media Protocol and Etiquette
With ever-changing advances in communication technology, it becomes necessary to adhere to certain protocols and etiquette to ensure Our Members,
Chaplain’s Corner: May 2006
WELCOME HOME!!! Welcome home to Patrick Parris after successfully spending a year in Iraq in the service to your country.